See our complete wallet implementation on Github for a production-ready example of integrating Intersend apps into a wallet.

1. Install the SDK

npm install universal-portability

2. Set Up Provider

Wrap your application with the UniversalPortabilityProvider:

import { UniversalPortabilityProvider } from 'universal-portability';

function App() {
  return (
    <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
        {/* Your app */}

3. Implement Message Handlers

Your wallet needs to listen for events from Intersend—such as requests to connect, sign a message, or approve a transaction.

Create these two hooks to handle communication between your wallet and embedded dApps:

4. Create dApp Store Container

Intersend can serve as your “dApp store” aggregator. You can display all available apps, letting users pick which to launch. For instance:

import { Port, usePortableApps } from 'universal-portability';

function DAppStoreContainer() {
  const { apps } = usePortableApps(); // array of dApp metadata

  return (
    <div className="dapp-grid">
      { => (
        <div key={} className="dapp-card">
          <img src={app.logo} alt={} />
          <button onClick={() => navigateToApp(app)}>
            Launch {}

5. Render dApp Interface

When the user selects a dApp, you embed it:

import { Port } from 'universal-portability';
import { useAccount, useChainId } from 'wagmi';

import { usePortHandler } from '../hooks/usePortHandler';

function AppContainer({ app }) {
  const rpcURL = process.env.RPC_URL;
  const { address } = useAccount();

  // enable postMessage communication

  return (

Message Protocol

The SDK uses a secure postMessage protocol with these main events:

  • INTERSEND_CONNECT_REQUEST: Initial wallet connection request
  • SIGN_MESSAGE_REQUEST: Request to sign a message
  • TRANSACTION_REQUEST: Request to send a transaction
  • SWITCH_CHAIN_REQUEST: Request to switch chain
  • *_RESPONSE: Corresponding response events

All sensitive operations (signing, approvals) are handled by your wallet’s existing security infrastructure, ensuring a safe and consistent user experience.

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