
  • Your existing web app is powered by Privy for authentication and embedded wallet management.

Integration Steps

1. Add Required Files

Add these files to your project:

2. Configure Providers

Import and set up the connector and auto-connect handler in your app’s provider configuration:

import './intersend-connector'
import { AutoConnectHandler } from './hooks/useIntersendAutoConnect'

export default function Providers({ children }) {
  return (
    <PrivyProvider appId={privyAppId} config={...}>
      <WagmiProvider config={wagmiConfig}>
        {/* AutoConnectHandler manages wallet connection when app is loaded in Intersend */}
        <AutoConnectHandler />

3. Whitelist Intersend Domain

Add Intersend domains to your Privy dashboard’s allowed origins:

Configure Allowed Origins →

4. Verify App Behavior Inside Intersend

  1. Open Sandbox and paste your web app’s URL into the address bar of the Intersend browser.
  2. Auto-connect should kick in; Intersend will inject the user’s wallet data into your app.
  3. Test transaction or signing flows to confirm everything relays properly.

5. Get Listed

Once integrated, submit your app for review:

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