Overview - For App Developers
Distribute your dApp across Web3 wallets
This guide is for you if:
You’re building a dApp and want to:
- Get listed in Intersend’s ecosystem
- Distribute your app and reach crypto users through partner wallets
Intersend is a non-custodial app store for crypto apps that enables seamless Web3 interactions through a unified experience. The fundamental goal is: make it simple for your app and your users to connect, sign, and transact.
The integration enables seamless communication between your app and Intersend through:
- Auto Connection: Automatically connects user’s wallet with your app on page load with SIWE authentication
- Message Relay: Handles transaction signing, message signing, and contract interactions through event listeners
- Non-Intrusive: Only activates when your app is accessed through Intersend, preserving your existing functionality
Below is a high-level guide for dApps that want to be listed in Intersend and auto-connect with users’ wallets via Intersend.
Key Concepts
A “connector” is a small integration layer that allows Intersend to inject a user’s wallet/account into your dApp. We support multiple connector approaches, including:
- Safe Connector (common in Wagmi-powered apps)
- Custom connectors for:
- Other authentication providers are in progress (Thirdweb, web3-onboard, Magic, Web3Auth, etc.) or can be integrated similarly.
If your dApp already has a Safe Connector enabled in Wagmi, you’re effectively compatible with Intersend’s “Safe flow” right away. Otherwise, check our Privy Guide or Dynamic Guide for more specific integration steps.
iFrame & Event Listeners
Intersend loads your dApp within an iframe, and sends/ expects events to:
- Auto-connect the user’s wallet/account
- Relay transactions for user signatures
- Share signed data, chain switches, and transaction confirmations back to your dApp
Because of this, you may need to whitelist Intersend’s domain so your site can be embedded in an iframe and to allow cross-domain communication.
How It Works
Get Listed Once integrated, contact us for review and approval:
- Email: hello@intersend.io
- Telegram: @erturkarda
We’ll add your project to the Intersend App Store so users can seamlessly discover and use your dApp.